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200 Euro
Customer's Place

Service Description

"Living means changing!" More and more employers feel that this principle is becoming an everyday working maxim for them and their staff. Just as the ability to change in company development is becoming an economic success factor, their personnel also have to regularly adjust to changes at short notice. In the day-to-day course of business, this means “continuing to learn all one’s life“, coming up with new ideas and dealing with things differently than one has up to now. All fixed certainties seem to be giving way. Changes in the course of company development are, as a rule, bound up with deep fears and uncertainty, because these processes are neither transparent nor possible to plan. For this reason, change often occurs reactively, on the heels of events, instead of shaping them proactively. ixact supports its customers in every phase of company development, helping them to derive a vision and developmental strategy from the company’s own available potential and from identified developmental tendencies in the economic and social environment, and to consistently and successfully apply this vision and strategy.

Contact Details

0043 4242 21234

Villacher Schächtestraße 53, Villach, Österreich

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