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250 Euro
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Service Description

"Involvement instead of absenteeism" Capital combined with additional management know-how is an outstanding formula for success, which stands out markedly from conventional concepts of the financial investors or venture capital companies. We act in accordance with to the motto: "Capital alone is not enough for a successful investment" "In the midst of things instead of on the sidelines" Competence Cluster staff undertake tasks in companies that entrepreneurs themselves are often unable to fulfil, even though they are important! These are mainly in the areas of financial management, restructuring, sales and marketing as well as finding the right strategy. "We’ll lead you down the winner’s road!" The Competence Cluster contains experienced entrepreneurs & managers. The Competence Cluster places at the disposal of participating companies managers who have themselves already successfully handled companies. We safeguard the investment for the investor, thus achieving success more quickly! "More value through Competence Cluster added value" Through targeted business development, the CC team ensures a lasting increase in value in the case of the selected portfolio companies. And because we ourselves are “sitting in the same boat", the success of the portfolio companies is also our joint success. The Competence Cluster team - the team player The success principle of the Competence Cluster team is in large part based on partnership-based cooperation. In order to satisfactorily achieve jointly set targets, each partner contributes his own knowledge, his routine and his experience – for the good of all. What you can expect The Competence Cluster team guarantees the integration of relevant know-how, professional resources, technological support and profitable synergies between the portfolio companies, and sufficient investment capital (through internal or external ínvestors).

Contact Details

0043 4242 21234

Villacher Schächtestraße 53, Villach, Österreich

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