Service Description
More and more customers no longer trust the ethical commitment and marketing content of companies. According to widespread opinion, these are no more than part of the marketing agenda. Only three per cent of customers trust advertising companies. These are beaten in the mistrust ratings only by used-car dealers, whom consumers trust even less! Customers think that Coca-Cola, Nike, Tesco, Nestle and The Body Shop do try to make ethical claims, but do not live up to them. We believe in the existence of a form of ethics which can become simply the hushing-up of other activities, and is moreover used for that purpose. That the concepts of social responsibility and fair trade are being increasingly monopolized by those responsible for marketing. That large concerns even try to make a profit from such initiatives. Fashion houses like Marks & Spencer and Hennes & Mauritz, however, stand out from their competitors thanks to their clearly defined ethical standards. H&M, particularly, is a model company because it does not explicitly promote its own company policies in public. However, consumers do demand a targeted information policy on the part of companies. 44 per cent of all those in the upper income bracket think that companies should educate their consumers. Only ten per cent are against this, and 55 per cent have no opinion on this subject. This is why we at ixact practise a holistic company marketing approach. "There is no marketing department – the whole company is marketing in practice." This is why we prefer not to separate the concepts of marketing and advertising in our advisory service.
Contact Details
0043 4242 21234
Villacher Schächtestraße 53, Villach, Österreich