Service Description
On closer analysis, a great number of strategies and styles of leadership do in fact boil down, consciously or unconsciously, to just one thing: shareholder value! Shareholder value destroys the long-term success of a company! For more than 20 years, businesses have been one-sidedly pursuing the interests of their shareholders/proprietors – thus neglecting everyone else. They lay off whole departments, gag their suppliers and reduce budgets for research and development. Not to mention the neglect of the company’s social obligations towards the community and the environment! But the structure of power is shifting. • The most talented employees only stay till another employer offers them more pay. • Once powerless suppliers are now banding together and dictating the prices and terms themselves. • Informed customers are boycotting companies that offer no customer relationship management or standard service and offer bad quality. Originally, shareholder value was used to discover and take over undervalued companies. Many examples (General Electric, IBM and various Internet start-ups) have shown how this obscure and initially purely theoretical concept became popular as a doctrine of salvation. Instead, today we recommend and promote the following: “Managers must start pursuing long-term objectives again, to safeguard value and growth!“

Contact Details
0043 4242 21234
Villacher Schächtestraße 53, Villach, Österreich